Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Running of Brides = Success! (I think)

Ok so that title doesn't sound very optimistic but I promise there's light at the end of this story. So I don't know if anyone else has experienced Filene's Basement Running of the Brides but if you haven't here's a video from their website which sums up the chaos of the day pretty well (which I tried so hard to avoid).

I attended the event on July 30, 2010 at Mazza Gallerie the only DC location for the event. But I was determined not to be a part of the chaos, so I enlisted my mom as my sole team member (yes, we were a team of two and yes, I hear you giggling). No fancy shirts or crazy costumes, we were on a mission. 

Here's a quick timeline of our day:
  • 11:00 - We arrive (slight chaos still going on) and assess the situation, then split up
  • 11:30 - gathered have our first batch of dresses, about 5-6 each (whew those things are heavy)
  • 11:30 - 11:50 - I try on the first batch and quickly realize that a ballroom gown is not what I want
  • 12:00 - 12:20 - gathered our second batch of dresses, we're starting to get the hang of this thing
  • 12:20 - 2:00 - the above cycle continued (the time passes faster than you think)
  • Let's fast forward to the good about 3pm I purchased my dress!
I was torn between 2 dresses both were similar in style but I leaned towards the one that I have because in the end I thought that it wouldn't need as many alterations as the other dress. The runner up was a lace due to the stress of the day it had a deformed zipper which would need to be replaced and some torn lace here and there. I just wasn't in the market for a dress overhaul. But in the end I think I was able to find a dress that I will be able to make into my dream dress with minor alterations. I think I have a win-win situation, but only time will tell.
    Dress details including pictures yet to come...I really want to find a pic of it online but I'm having a hard time, so we'll see.


    1. Hi Tiffany - Pat at Filene's Basement here. Love your blog description of the ROTB. There are so many brides-to-be out there who think that if they are not there at the crack of dawn that they've missed it all. I might share your blog with brides who want to avoid the craziness,but aren't sure they can be successful going later. You proved it. Can't wait to see photos of the dress. Pat

    2. Thanks Pat. I actually emailed you for the tips and they came in very handy as you can see. I'm glad you found my blog and feel free to share it. I'd be so happy if I could help someone else find their dream dress. I'll do my own tips in an upcoming post, so look out for that one too.
