Monday, March 14, 2011

Long Distance No More

Hello All! Posting hasn't been very regular for like the past month or so. But I have a good reason. But first the details.

I don't think I explained that for the past 6-7 months that Mr. B and I have been living in separate states, doing the long distance romance thing. It's been a drain but we've obviously made it work. Back in June 2010, I was living in Philly and finalizing my plans to begin a new career in DC. Once I made all my arrangements, I moved back to the DMV and started my new job in August 2010. However, Mr. B didn't have the foresight to request a transfer early enough so he was stuck in Philly for a while. About 3 months passed, it's now November, and he was finally informed that they received his transfer and that it would "potentially" be approved. Long story short, he eventually received an official approval for his transfer in late February '11. And fast forward to this past weekend, we finally moved him and the rest of our stuff from our old Philly apartment back to the DMV.

So that's the reason, things have been slow around here. I've been busy figuring out what will happen with our apartment lease, scheduling moving trucks and just trying to make sure that everything goes smoothly. We're still in the process of unpacking some stuff and getting all of his things organized, but he's back, we're happy and we're moving forward.

Great things are on the horizon.


  1. Yay! Good luck getting everything organized. Everything will just fall into place and be back to normal (except better!) soon. Also: Thanks for letting me know about the weddingbee feature..I didn't even know about it!
