Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gettin Fit for Life: January Update

At the start of the new year I wrote about trying to get in shape not just for the wedding but for life. Can I say that I'm off to a great start, yeah... not so much. So here's what's happened thus far:

I was on a roll going into the holidays as I had created a routine for myself where I would work out at least 3 times a week. I prefer TV workouts available through On Demand so that's what I was using. It allows me access to a variety of workouts so that I don't get bored. And I was able to keep this up throughout the holidays.

But then sometime between my travels back and forth to Philly during the start of the new year, to visit Mr.B I lost my motivation to continue what I had started. I think I had even lost a lb or two. And then last week, I'm pretty sure I injured my knee (I heard a loud pop) while doing a workout. So after that incident I rested it for a couple days and it's been hard to get back into the groove again.

I started my workouts again last night. I did my best but I noticed I was a little apprehensive about anything that works the lower body, so I think it'll be a little while longer before I'm 100% again. However, despite this setback, I've decided to set a goal for myself to work out at least 3 times a week (between cardio and strength exercises). I'm hoping to stay consistent with this for a month, track my progress and continue along.

I want to credit the "Bridal Fitness" posts over at Lovely Little Details for giving me that weekly dose of fitness guidance that I need to stay on track and continue educating myself in the realm of overall fitness and nutrition. So take a look for yourselves!

Do you have any fitness goals either specifically for the wedding in general that you're working towards?


  1. @jacin {lovely little details} Just finished a workout, so I'm back at it...woo hoo!

  2. I like Jacin's posts too! I am working out with a trainer 2 or 3 times a week. It's been great and I'm def. getting more tone, but I neeeed to get my eating in check. I'm not losing weight and I should be. So, my biggest hurdle is getting my eating under control!
