Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm Not Crazy After All

I've had some serious wedding thoughts running through this mind lately. I'm second guessing one of my major vendor choices and I'm having a serious internal conflict over how I should proceed. I can't go into the details of the situation but in pretty generic terms I'm not really feeling one of my vendors based on some recent situations that have transpired which has made me a little less than convinced that they can pull off my big day properly.

I'm going to be honest, alot of the second guessing has been attributed to me not wanting to be perceived as a "bridezilla." So I did the best thing that I could've done...I called my MOH...and should have done it earlier. I needed an objective opinion here. I explained the details of the situation and I'm so happy I talked to her. She firmly reassured me that NO, YOU'RE NOT CRAZY! The things that I'm expecting in this situation are not bridezilla demands but reasonable demands that you would ask of any regular merchant nevermind a wedding vendor.

This snafu has made me realize that all the "newness" (yep, I said it) of everything involved in planning this wedding has made me second guess my everyday instincts when I shouldn't be. It's so great to have a support system and sounding board during this stressful time, I'm truly grateful.

Have you had a situation that has made you second guess yourself in your planning adventures?


  1. i had a really awkward situation where i had to get rid of my original photographer. i hate conflict so i was worried about it, but in the end i'm so glad i did it!! good luck :)

    lovely little details {blog}

  2. @jacin {lovely little details}
    I also don't like conflict or any type of confrontation, so I'm dreading the conversation but I know it must happen.
