Monday, January 17, 2011

Were So Lucky!

* FYI from here on out I'll be referring to my FI as Mr. B, more aliases to come :)

I received a call from my aunt a couple weeks ago. She wanted to know if she could organize and throw the bridal shower. She has out done herself at previous family events time and time again so how could I say no. I was so excited because I know it we will have a great time. But during our quick chat she asked me something I hadn't even thought you want to include Mr. B and his family in the shower as well? I told her I would think about it and talk to him about it as well. I called my mom to ask her opinion and she had already spoken to my aunt and they were on the same page. I ran it past Mr. B and he didn't oppose it, so with that, we'll be having a co-ed wedding shower!

I'm so excited. Even though it's many months away I'm just happy for the possibilities. It will be one of the first times that both of our immediate families get together and meet up. We will be able to celebrate us as a couple along with all of our loved ones and enjoy the day together and eat great food.

I had never thought about having a "wedding shower" instead of traditional bridal shower but it's a great option for us and I can't wait to see the great family pics that will come out of this event.


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